How to Build a Website Using Github

Getting Started

I already owned my domain name: via google domains.

  • Create a special github repository.
    • It needs the following naming format:
    • Note: this process will be a little simpler if your username is the same as your desired domain name.

Settings (on Github)

There are several important settings you need to change to host your domain through github.

 1. Change the following under settings in Github (above the Danger Zone)  

More Settings

2. Create a CNAME file 

3. Change DNS settings 


There are a lot of Jeykll themes for github pages. Many people create these themes for free.

Find more here

How Did I Personalize My Site?

1. I forked the Minimal Mistakes repo 

2. Then I followed the online tutorial for some basic edits  

3. Since I am obsessed with customization, I made a lot of other changes 

How Customizable are these Sites?

Grant's website is also built on Minimal Mistakes, see how different his site from mine!

These designer's constantly update themes, and they all have a lot of customizable settings.

Exciting Github Pages News